| How to manage Inventory Management in Omnichannel Retail?

How to manage Inventory Management in Omnichannel Retail?

26 January 2023 •5 minute read

 | How to manage Inventory Management in Omnichannel Retail?

In the ever-evolving world of retail, omnichannel strategies have become crucial for success. Click-and-collect, also known as BOPIS (Buy Online, Pick-up In Store), has emerged as a linchpin for retailers seeking to marry the convenience of online shopping with the immediacy of physical stores. Let’s explore how this practice is reshaping inventory management in the omnichannel ecosystem.

Optimized Inventory Utilization

Click-and-collect services enable retailers to make the most of their store inventory by using it for online order fulfillment. This not only helps in reducing stock outs but also ensures a broader product range is available for online shoppers. Inventory is turned over more quickly, and storage space is used more efficiently, leading to a significant decrease in the holding costs associated with overstocking.

Faster Order Handling

The ability to process orders rapidly is a core component of customer satisfaction in today’s retail landscape. Click-and-collect enhances order handling by allowing customers to place orders online and pick them up in-store, often within the same day. This speed of service is a critical differentiator and often a deciding factor for customers choosing where to shop.

Reduced Surplus Inventory

With real-time visibility of store inventories, retailers can better balance stock levels and reduce surplus inventory. This level of inventory management is particularly crucial during peak shopping periods when the risk of over or under-stocking is high. Better inventory control leads to improved cash flow and reduced markdowns.

Cost Savings

Transportation costs are a significant expense in ecommerce. Click-and-collect reduces these costs by using stores as mini-distribution centers. Moreover, by diminishing the need for vast warehouse spaces and streamlining delivery routes, retailers can achieve considerable savings.

Enhanced Product Availability

By allowing access to store inventory for online orders, click-and-collect expands product availability. This enhanced availability is particularly beneficial for limited-stock items or during high-demand periods, ensuring customers can always find what they are looking for.

Seamless Customer Experience

 | How to manage Inventory Management in Omnichannel Retail?

Click-and-collect provides a smooth transition between online and offline shopping experiences. Customers enjoy the convenience of shopping online with the benefit of immediate, cost-free pickup. This service also reduces the likelihood of missed deliveries, improving customer satisfaction.

Increased Footfall and Upsell Opportunities

Stores offering click-and-collect often see increased foot traffic, as customers come in to pick up their online purchases. This increased presence in the store presents additional sales opportunities, as customers are likely to make impulse buys or add to their online orders when collecting in person.

Higher Purchase Intent and Basket Value

Shoppers who choose click-and-collect tend to have a higher intent to purchase compared to those opting for home delivery. The act of going to the store to pick up an item often results in a committed buyer and a higher average basket value due to the potential for additional in-store purchases.

Operational Efficiency

Click-and-collect improves overall operational efficiency by enabling more effective use of the retail store network. It streamlines order management and fulfillment processes, ultimately enhancing the customer experience while reducing costs.

Reduced Reliance on Third-Party Providers

Retailers offering click-and-collect can decrease their dependence on external delivery services, granting them greater control over the customer experience and fulfillment process. This control can be crucial when third-party providers are overwhelmed during peak periods.

Wrapping it up

By integrating click-and-collect into their omnichannel strategy, retailers not only elevate their inventory management but also create numerous advantages, from cost savings to enhanced customer satisfaction. Click-and-collect isn’t just a service—it’s an essential part of a modern retail strategy, adapting to the changing behaviors and preferences of today’s consumers.

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